On the tracks of Trebula

On the tracks of Trebula

In the XII B.C. century around some indoeuropean people began to settle in the italian territory. Among this people there were the Osci (or Opici) that settled principally in the South Italy placing on top of aboriginal preexistent people. We don't have any historical memory of this aboriginal people. The Osci founded the following towns: Capua (present day Santa Maria Capua Vetere), Casilinum (present day Capua), Caiatia (present day Caiazzo), Trebula (present day Treglia) , Telesia (present day San Salvatore Telesino), Atella, Sessa Aurunca, Allifae (present day Alife), Calatia (present day Maddaloni) and so on. Therefore Trebula was born as oscan dwelling group , probably in the IX B.C century around, that is before the foundation of Rome. The Samnites were one of the descendants of the oscanus people. In the sixth century B.C. around, they migrated to the South of Italy and occupied a part of the Abbruzzo, Molise, South Lazio and the North Campania arriving just to the Capua's territory. Since they belonged to the same group, there weren't wars between the Samnites and the Osci but they made only one civilization. Therefore the Samnium was the internal tableland set at centre of South Italy. It was delimited at North by the Sangro river and the territory of the Marsi and Peligni, at South by the Ofanto river and the territory of the Lucani, at East by the Puglia's "tavoliere" and the territory of the Frentani and at west by the Campania's flat land and the territory of the Aurunci and Sidicini (see Fig. 1).

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Fig. 1: The Samnites and the people bordering with them(350 B.C.)(from E.T. Salmon)

The Fig. 1 shows the Samnites and the people bordering on with them. Please note the Campani weren't at all the inhabitants of the present Campania, but they inhabited in the territory that was under Capua. The Samnites were politically constituted by four tribes: the Carricini, the Pentri, the Irpini and the Caudini . So, Trebula (present day Treglia) was one of the main towns of the Caudini. The other Caudini's towns were: Cubulteria or Compulteria (present day Alvignano), Caiatia (present day Caiazzo), Telesia (present day San Salvatore Telesino), Rufrae (present day Presenzano). The Caudini were the westier people; therefore, they were more exposed oneself to the greek civilization. After the wars between the Samnites and the Romans all samnite towns were conquered by the Romans, belonging so to the roman state. These towns became allied of the Romans. In this way the civilization of the Samnites began to melt with the civilization of the Romans. Therefore, it is evident we can considere the Trebula's history in two periods: during the first Trebula was a samnite town while during the second it was an allied town of the roman empire.