The fauna

The morphology of territory with the mountains, the crags, the humid glens and the floods make rich the fauna. Each animal kind lives in its specific environment.
So, we can note that the cliffs are haunted by hawks, buzzards and kestrels. These shoot their preies, that is the hare and the wild rabbit. A cliff where we can observe their majestic flight is the "Pendm e' Ndonie" (Antonio's cliff), sadly famous because a hundred years ago a boy (wich name was Antonio) threw from it and he died. He was trying to catch an aerie of crows. The hare and the wild rabbit are plundered by the weasel, the stonemarten and the fox that we can perceive during the night by car when they cross the road.
The walks in the woods are cheered up by singing of the following birds: the finches, the goldfinches, the greenfinches, the blackbirds, the robins, the sparrows and others, all conducted by the green woodpicker. You can also note that, during the courtship period, the recall of the greenpicker is like a laugh. Several rodents live in the woods of Treglia: the oak mouse, the dormouse and the squirrel. In the humid glens live the amphibians as the italic frog and the rare spotted salamander. Along the floods lives the wedged snake that feeds on amphibians.
There are other reptiles as the country lizard, the wall lizard, the viper and others. During the night the Treglia's woods swarm with life. In fact a lot of its inhabitants are awake. The plaintive song of the horned owl is frightening. Opposite the barn owl is a night and nice bird of prey because of its face heart shaped. The owl and the fool are other birds of prey: they attack their preies when they are sleeping. The badger is an other animal that lives in the Treglia's woods. It's difficult to see it but noticing its burrow is easier. This animal has a mania for claning the burrow and the fox takes advantage of this behavior.
The fox urinates near the burrow of badger; in this way, the badger is forced to run away while the fox gets hold of the burrow. But the boar is the real master of the woods. It is an onnivorous animal and it eats the acorns, the roots, the tubers, the mice, the little rodents and some reptiles, as the viper. The adult males are lonely and they are easily recognizable by their lower canine teeth that jut out of the lips as two daggers having a triangular section. The females make some numerous substantial herds with the pups and the young boars not sexually ripe yet.
However describing the innumerable kinds of animals that live in the Treglia's woods and mountains is difficult but living this reality allows to contemplate the beauty of the universe.