To visit
The church of Maria SS del Carmelo

church is in the neoclassic style and has two aisles.
It is built up in 1645 by Francesco Parillo; this
is testified by a bishop's see inventory of 1768 and
by the following inscription that was at entrance
of the door:
The church of S. Andrea

It is found at Casalicchio and it is the most ancient church in the country house of Treglia. With one aisle, it is a graceful example of byzantine art and it goes back in 1200 around. In 1468 it constituted parish to being itself but, in 1520, it was annexed to the parish of San Secondino of Treglia. During recent refurbishment jobs, on the wall of apse some frescos are appeared. The right predella of altar is an ancient inscription of Trebula. The wallings of the little church have reinvested building material coming from an ancient roman villa whose vestiges are in front of it.
The fountain

It is built up in 1892. Until fifty years ago, when the water network was not existing, it consituted the source to wich the women reached the water. The rectangular limestone tub is characteristic and, years ago, it was used as drinking trough for pack animals.
The ancient windmill

If you like making excursions in mountain, you can go on the S. Erasmo mount to visit the ancient windmill. It worked by using aeolian energy of the wind that set in motion two big millstones; one of them is still visible today. At windmill you can admire some wonderful and incomparable views
The vestiges of Trebula Balliensis

Along the road connecting Treglia to "Campole" locality, you can admire the vestiges of ancient town Trebula Balliensis.
The alleys

The alleys are in the historical district of Treglia. Those of "Via Grottole" are characteristic; in fact, you can admire some grottos digged into the tufaceus benches.