The cheese

The conciato cheese

Even if some countrymen produce it by ovine or vaccine milk, the conciato cheese was produced originally by goatish milk. The rennet is get in natural way from a kid and, after the salting, the cheese is dried up in natural way.
At this point, the cylindrical pieces of cheese are tanned by a mixture of oil, vinegar and local pot-herbs; after they are placed into the amphorae. The little grottos in Treglia's alleys gave hospitality a great many amphorae.
The conciato is suitable for long seasonings and the tasting should happen not first six months. When the conciato is mature, it is covered with a brown-greenish mould and it has a chalky consistency.
This kind of cheese goes back to the samnite Trebula; in fact, the latin poet Marziale, in his Epigrammi(XIII,30) work, praises the conciato cheese and, remembering it with the cottage cheese, makes talk them in this way: "Trebula nos genuit, commendat gratia duplex, sive levi flamma, sive domamur aqua", that is : "Trebula produced us, we have two virtues, a light flame and little water soften us".

The cheese in oil

It is produced by vaccine milk; after the salting and the drying process, the cylindrical pieces of cheese are oiled and crowded in the glass jars, closed in hermetic way. The cheese can be submerged in the oil and it matures within one year.